How Much Can I Borrow from a Pag-IBIG Multi-Purpose Loan
How Do I Get Loans for Home Improvement?
The Home Improvement, Renovation, Construction Loan can be used as financial support for homeamericandailyjournal improvement projects such as the alteration of your current home.
Getting home improvement loans can be as difficult as getting a new housing loan from Pag-IBIG. However, a multi-purpose loan for home improvement is worth the effort because the alteration of your existing home will improve its quality and property value. The amount you can loan depends on factors such as your capacity to pay, the loan amount you requested, and your actual need.
To get an estimate of how much you can yourself ail given your current salary, Pag-IBIG has a housing loan affordability calculator.
Can I Apply for a Multi-purpose Loan?
If you are already a Pag-IBIG Fund member, you must satisfy the rest of the requirements to apply for the
How Do I Know if My Application Has Been Approved?
If you fail any of atechz the requirements, your loan application will not be approved. However, if it is approved, you will receive a Notice of Approval/Letter of Guarantee.
You will have 90 calendar days to complete the next requirements:
BIR for payment of capital gains tax & documentary stamps
Local government unit for payment of transfer tax and transfer of tax declaration
Registry of Deeds for transfer of the title and annotation of mortgage
You can borrow up to 80% of your total Pag-IBIG Regular Savings. Your regular savings is made up of your monthly contributions, your employer’s contributions, and the accumulated dividends you’ve earned. The morebuxtonnews savings you have with Pag-IBIG, the higher the amount you can borrow from the Pag-IBIG multi-purpose loan.
Since the PAG-IBIG multi-purpose loan is also a salary loan, the amount you can borrow also depends on the number of months you’ve already contributed and the total accumulated value of your contributions. The minimum monthly contribution you should have before applying is 24 months.
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